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Why get a bike fit?

Consider this: it is not uncommon for cyclists to make over 30,000 pedal rotations in a single session. Making sure that this one movement doesn’t excessively load a single point in your body can not only increase comfort, but is crucial for preventing injuries in the long run. 

Moreover, such injuries are not exclusive to professionals. On the contrary, the pros have spent so much time on their bikes, and since a young age, that their bodies have adapted to their bikes to a degree that is unobtainable for us mere mortals! (Not to say that they don’t get fitted on a regular basis, they surely do).

I believe that a bike fit may even be more important for new cyclists than it is for the seasoned rider. Overuse injuries can cause lasting problems, so prevention is by far the preferred option. Of course, a bike fit can also be geared toward optimizing positioning for power and speed, but it is more than that. So, whether you’re a more experienced rider who is looking to make specialized gains (say in your sprint or for a time trial), or you just got your first bike and can’t seem to get comfortable, a bike fit can be a great option.  

— On a bike, all injuries - aside from those caused by crashes - are overuse injuries —

I understand that for beginner cyclists, getting a bike fit can be a daunting endeavour. Though this perception is slowly changing, I hear over and over from people that they didn’t think they were “strong,” “experienced,” or even “fast” enough to justify getting a professional bike fit. 

I would like to make it very clear that comfort on the bike is not reserved only for those who are getting ready for a race, or who are paid to be there. 

Nevertheless, If you are not ready to take the plunge and make an appointment, but you have a question on your fit, please feel free to send me a message. Otherwise, get in touch and we’ll work together to find your optimal position - and perhaps make you a little bit faster in the process :)